Monday, October 3, 2011

Komunikasi Dudung-Idris bongkar suap wisma atlet

tulisan ini di buat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah etika profesi akuntasi
Abdul Rahim Sangadji (20208010)
Dedy Setia Putra (20208317)
Rayhan Kalamullah (21208007)

sumber : harian Media Indonesia, Kamis 29 September 2011

kasus pelanggaran etika profesi yang tercangkup dalam kutipan berita di atas membuktikan terjadinya beberapa pelanggaran :

1. Pengendalian Diri
Pelaku bisnis secara jelas telah menerima sejumlah uang suap dari pemberi suap untuk meperlancar proyek wisma atlet

2. Pengembangan Tanggung-Jawab Sosial
Menyalahgunakan wewenang (jabatan) untuk meraup keuntungan dari pembangunan wisma atlet untuk memperkaya diri sang penerima suap, karena pembangunan ini di tujukan untuk menamung para atlet yang akan bertarung dalam kegiatan sea-games di indonesia tahun ini

3. Menciptakan Persaingan yang Sehat
Dalam kasus ini, jelas tergambarkan bahwa PT. DGI telah memberikan pemberian imbalan karena terpilihnya sebagai pelaksana pembuatan wisma atlet. Dengan begitu telihat bahwa untuk memenangkan proyek ini dari awal sudah tidak benar pemrosesan pemilihan pemenang proyek.

4. Menghindari sifat 5K (Katabelece, Kongkalikong, Koneksi, Kolusi dan Komisi)
Dalam kasus di atas tergambarkan bahwa etika profesi akuntansi tidak dijalankan dengan terbukanya kasus bahwa ada kongkalikong, koneksi, kolusi juga komisi dalam kegiatan pemilihan pemenang hproyek wisma atlet.

5. Mampu menyatakan yang benar itu benar
Dengan terbukanya kasus ini, memberikan bukti bahwa tidak adanya kejujuran mulai dari proses awal pemilihan pemenang proyek sampai penyelesaian proyek yang masih terhambat hingga kini

6. Konsekuen dan konsisten dengan aturan main yang telah disepakati bersama
terbukti dengan adanya oknum yang menyalahgunakan wewenang untuk mendirikan wisma atlet

7. Menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran dan rasa memiliki terhadap apa yang telah disepakati
Telah terjadi kegiatan kongkalikong serta penerimaan komisi dari pemberi komisi

Friday, March 25, 2011

soal listening


The Ujung Kulon Nature Reserve
The main attraction in ujung kulon nature reserve is the singe-horned rhinoceros. Many visitors come to look at this endangered species it almost disappears. The single-horned rhinoceros exists only in is about three meters long and one and a half meters tall. It weights about 2,200 kgs, but it can still run fast. Rhinoceros is most active during the night. So, people reraly encounter this animal during the day.
If you take public transportasion, you need to change several times to get to ujung kulon. You can reached this destination in approximately ten hours. First, take the minibus from Jakarta or Bogor to Labuhan. This bus ride will take approximately four hours. From Labuhan, you have to take a boat to pulau peucang. This will take another five ti six hours. From pulau peucang, take aboat to ujung kulon. It takes about 20 minutes.
To explore ujung kulon, you need to hike for seven kms. The ground is domp or wet. There are steep rises and fallen trees. You have to cross streams but they are not very deep. You can stop on large rocks so your feet do not get wet. If you’re lucky you can encounter rhinos, deer, and other animals. You can hear many birds. The trail through ujung kulon National Park is full of obstacles and suprises.

1. What is the topic of the first paragraph ? ( b )
a. Endangered species
b. The single-horned rhinoceros
c. The size of the single-horned rhinoceros

2. What is the topic sentence of the first paragraph ? ( a )
a. The main attraction in ujung kulon nature reserve is the single-horned rhinoceros
b. The single-horned rhinoceros exists only in java
c. So, people reraly encounter this animal during the day

3. What is the topic of the second paragraph ? ( c )
a. The bus ride to labuhan
b. Ujung kulon
c. Transportation to ujung kulon

4. What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph ? ( b )
a. First, take the minibus from Jakarta or bogor to labuhan
b. You need to take several kinds of public transportation to get to ujung kulon
c. From pulau peucang, take aboat to ujung kulon

5. What is the topic of the third paragraph ? ( a )
a. The trail
b. The animal
c. The obstacles
6. What is the topic sentence of the third paragraph ? ( b )
a. To explore ujung kulon, you need to hike for seven kms
b. The trail through ujung kulon national park is full of obstacles and surprises
c. If you’re lucky you can encounter rhinos, deer, and other animal

Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, Wales, on September 13, 1916. he was an outstanding, a prize-winning author. He started writing ahort stories in 1942. One year later, his first children’s book The Gremlins was published-produced and distributed. In 1945, his short stories were published in the U.S his anthologies have been translated into many languages. His books have been very much in demand, becoming best sellers, all over the world. His books are full of surprises. They are always funny but a little sadistic.

7. Roald Dahl as a/an . . . author ( a )
a. Successful
b. Unproductive
c. Born

8. The Gremlins was . . . in 1943 ( a )
a. Printed and sold
b. Written and edited
c. Published and produced

9. his . . . of short stories have been translated into many languages ( b )
a. corrections
b. collections
c. writing

10. Up to now, his books have been . . . by many people ( a )
a. Read and loved
b. Claimed
c. Produced

Friday, March 4, 2011

tugas b.inggris

1.Young deer ...
a. are called fawns
b. be fawns
c. is fawns
d. are fawns called

Answer : a

2. To score a goal in soccer you ...
a. must kick the ball
b. must kicks the ball
c. may kick them ball
d. must kick them balls

Answer : a

3. If it ... so cloudy, we would plan on having the fair outside.
a. was
b. was not
c. weren’t
d. had not

Answer : b

4. In most circumstances
a.the person that owns the property
b.can claim the rights money made
d.from drilling oil on their property.

Answer : c

5. ir.sukarno ... first indonesia President.
a. was the
b. became
c. were the
d. are the

Answer : a

6. If I ... your boyfriend, I would never let you down
a. Am
b. Was
c. Were
d. Had been

Answer: c.

7. My parents are ... business trip now
a. Have
b. having
c. Had
d. has

Answer : b.

8. Will you come to the meeting ?”
“If you come, I …..”
a come
b will
c do
d am
Answer: b

9. “If you took the clothes to the laundry now, they….
a has washed
b has been washed
c would be washed
d will be washed
Answer: c

10. “Your drawing was very good”
“ I could have done better. If I …more time.”
a have had
b had
c had had
d will have had
Answer: c

1.I cant go to new found glory concert. My mother didn’t allow me

Answer : cant = couldn’t

2. Josh : I don’t like her cause she likes telling lies
Benjamin : he said he doesn’t like her cause she liked telling lies.

Answer : doesn’t = didn’t

3.I tought he is a loyal boy. The fact he’s a playboy.

Answer : is = was

4. Receptionist : Good Morning, Tangkuban Hotel. May I help you
Guest : Good Morning, I reserve a single room, please.
Receptionist: When would it be ?
Guest : From July to July, 10
Answer: c would

5. Andi : Do you know the man whom will lead the marketing department ?
Doni : Sure, she is Ms. Janet from Surya Kencana, Co.
Answer: whom

6. My house has lovely garden who I bought last month
Answer: who

7. The man whom is wearing a blue the is a bank manager.
Answer : b) whom

8. Tia is older as Mawar home’s
Answer: c) as

9. Siti is the younger than Lina
Answer: b) the

10. I is going to watch the news. (future tense)
Answer : a) is = am

11. Would you like to coming to my birthday party?
Answer: c) coming

12 . She sweeps the floor yesterday Simple Present Tense)
Answer : yesterday = every day

13. The sun sets in the east ( Simple Present Tense)
Answer : the east = the west

14.The Dahlans had been live in depok ( Past Perfect Continuous tense )
Answer : c) lived = living

15. Next july, Ririn will have graduating from SMA 88 jakarta ( Future Perfect Tense)
Answer : d) graduating = graduated

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Semarak Piala AFF 2010


Semarak Piala AFF 2010

kejuaran sepak bola antara negara-negara asia tenggara ini di laksanakan di 2 negara sebagi tuan rumah yaitu d Indonesia dan Vietnam. Dimana kejuaraan ini di bagi dalam 2 group di group A terdiri dari Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand dan Laos sedangkan di group B terdiri dari Vietnam, Myanmar, Filipina dan Singapura partaipembuka pada tanggal 1 desember bertanding d group A antara Indonesia VS Malaysia sedangkan di group B antar Vietnam VS Myanmar.

Bangsa Indonesia sangat berharap untuk memenangkan kejuaran yang di lakukan setiap 2 tahun sekali ini. Indonesia belum pernah merasakan juara sejak pertama kali kejuaran ini di gelar pada tahun 1996 padasaat itu kejuaran ini bernama piala tiger. Singapura dan Thailand sama-sama pernah menang 3 kali dalam kejuaraan ini di susul dengan vietnam yang sudah merasakan 1 kali juara. Sedangkan Indonesia hanya mampu menjadi runer-up sebanyak 3 kali.

Masyarakat Indonesia berharap banyak pada Bambang pamungkas dkk. Apalagi timnas kita di perkuat pemain naturalisasi diantaranya Irfan bachdim dan cristian gonzales. Yang lebih menguntungkan lagi adalah di mana kejuaran ini di laksanakan di Indonesia dimana pasti tim nasional kita mendapat dukungan mulai dari presiden sby sampai rakyat biasa ingin langsung mendukung tim kebanggan kita di gelora bung karno.

Pada kejuaran kali ini timnas Indonesia bermain cukup gemilang dimana pada partai perdana tim merah putih berhasil menang telak dari malaysia dengan skor 5-1 d pertandingan kedua indonesia berhasil menang telak pula dari laos dengan skor 6-0 di pertandingan berikutnya Indonesia menang tipis dari Filipina dengan skor 1-0 pada leg kedua indonesia menang 2-1yang mengantarkan Indonesia ke babak final.di babak final Indonesia kembali bertemu dengan Malaysia dimana pertandingan final d laksanakan 2 kali pada leg pertama Indonesia kalah 3-0 d stadion bukit jalil Malaysia dan pada leg kedua Indonesia menang tipis 2-1 dari Malaysia di stadion utama glora bung karno. Namun hasil ini blmdapat menghantarkan Indonesia menjadi juara.

Diluar gemilangnya permainan timnas kita, banyak kekurangan-kekurangan panitia lokal seperti ricuhnya penjualan tiket. Masyarakat merasakan susahnya mendapatkan tiket untunk mendukum tim kebanggaan kita. Mereka sudah mengantri untuk mendapatkan tiket sejak pagi hari bahkan ada juga yg menginap d gelora bungkarno. Tetapi pada saat pertandingan di malaysia juga d nodai dengan adanya sinar lampu leser yang mengarah pada penjaga gawang kita markus khoirison dan juga ada petasan yg meledak di tangah-tangah lapangan. Hal ini menyebabkan di berhentikanya pertandingan selana kurang lebih 5 menit. Hal ini juga menyebabkan konsentrasi pemain kita buyar...

Apapun hasilnya kita harus bangga dengan tim nasional kita yang bermain cukup gemilang. Semoga di pertandingan internasional lainya timnas kita dapat menunjukan prestasi yang dapat membanggakan untuk kita semua dan tak lupa panitia lokal kita harus berbenah diri agar dapat menyajikan yang tebaik untuk kita semua. Maju terus garuda kami akan selalu mendukungmu.